Jiu Jitsu and Chiropractic in Concord NC

Jiu Jitsu and Chiropractic in Concord NC

Chiropractic Concord NC Back Pain Help

Chiropractic has been shown to be extremely beneficial for athletes. I see every kind of active person imaginable at ChiroPure, and I love caring for people who care deeply about their health and well-being, and have a desire for improving themselves.

I love Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. As a practitioner of the art myself, I understand the physical, and mental effort the sport requires. I feel chiropractic and jiu jitsu parallel one another in many regards.

Chiropractic is a philosophy, science, and art. I feel that jiu jitsu is also a philosophy, science, and art.

The chiropractic philosophy is comprised of the 33 principles. These principles are derived based on logic and deductive reasoning. As a result, the philosophy is incredibly sound. Chiropractors that are deeply rooted in chiropractic, and embody it congruently, live their life based on these principles. They are the lens through which we view the world, and the filter by which we determine what is true or not.

The philosophy in jiu jitsu is made up of the principles from the 753 code of the samurai. These are a set of 7 characteristics/personality traits to embody, 5 keys of health to practice, and 3 states of mind to harness. A true jiu jitsu practitioner will embody all of these principles, and I feel that the principles of jiu jitsu fall beautifully in line with the chiropractic philosophy.

Chiropractic and Jiu Jitsu are both also an art. The art of chiropractic lies in the analysis and adjustment of vertebral subluxation. Vertebral subluxations (VS) are misalignments of the spine which disrupt normal body function.

Jiu Jitsu is obviously a martial art, and you can see the beauty of the art in the movement of an upper belt. At first, as a white belt, you are pretty clunky and uncoordinated in your movements. As you progress through the belt levels your moves become more and more proficient as you slowly perfect the art.

The same is true in chiropractic. It takes thousands of hours and reps to perfect the art of the adjustment. You want a chiropractor who puts their sole focus on analyzing and adjusting; they are going to be the best at their craft. You want to get your care from the best, from the most focused, and the most caring about their art.

Just as you can tell the difference between the movement of a black belt versus a blue belt, you can tell the difference between a chiropractor who puts their sole focus on analyzing and adjusting, versus the chiropractor who mixes in other therapies and performs other non-chiropractic modalities in their office.

I want to learn from someone who has been practicing Jiu Jitsu for decades; someone who has spent the majority of their life dedicated to the art. That person will understand the nuance to the art, and be able to teach me on a deep level.

Just as I want to receive my chiropractic care from someone who focuses all of their energy and intent on the art of analyzing and adjusting. That doctor will understand the nuance of VS and the adjustment, and I will have trust and confidence in them to provide me with the best, intentional care.

Chiropractic and Jiu Jitsu share much in common, and I have a love and passion for both. I love that chiropractic isn’t just a “thing” that you do, but that it is also a guide for how to live your life. The philosophy of chiropractic has changed the way that I view the world, and I am very grateful for that. I love the beauty of chiropractic, I love the art of it. I think the most wonderful thing you can do for a human being is rid them of VS and allow them to express more of their innate potential.

I think I am drawn to Jiu Jitsu for many of the same reasons I was drawn to chiropractic. I like that it is more than just something you do for exercise. I love the self-defense aspect of it. I like that it has a philosophy to help provide guidance on how to live a healthy, balanced life. I love the art of it. I find the movements to be graceful and beautiful when done right, much like a lovingly delivered adjustment.

I think the two mesh really well, and I would love to see more jiu jitsu practitioners get under the care of a good, philosophically straight chiropractor. I think a true practitioner of each craft would find value, respect, and appreciation for the other.


12:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm

12:00pm - 6:00pm

Friday, Saturday, & Sunday


8415 Pit Stop Ct NW Ste 102
Concord, NC 28027

(704) 970-7127